

型号:HIP1250 制造商:安泰科技粉末与制品分公司热等静压
联系人:销售:李经理 主管:陈总原产地:河北省涿州市


Enable inter-diffusion bonding of homogeneous or heterogeneous materials



Connection interface of heterogeneous materials diffusion


HIP diffusion bonding is a welding process, that, in a closed container, pressure is applied under the high temperature, so that the surface will be bonded together. HIP can connect two different materials, such as metal-metal, metal-nonmetal, nonmetal-nonmetal; whether transition layers are needed or not depends on the thermodynamics properties of the two (or more) materials. The bonding types can be powder-solid, solid-solid and powder-powder.


l  连接相同性能材料时,由于界面不产生液相,界面结合强度与母材相当;

l  连接不同性能材料时界面可实现良好的冶金结合,且性能不低于两种材料中的较低者。

l  可以连接接触面具有复杂形状的零件,并实现严格的尺寸控制;

l  可在一道工序中连接多个同类或异类材料;

l  可使常规焊接方法无法连接的脆性金属实现固态连接;

l  由于作用在零件上的等静压力高且均匀因此减少及消除了在连接区外侧的微小气孔。

l  For bonding of materials with the same properties, because the liquid phase is not exist at the interface, the interfacial bonding strength is equal to that of the base metal;

l  Materials with different properties can achieve perfect metallurgical bonding, and the performance of the composite is no less than the lower of the two.

l  Able to bond parts with irregular contact surface and realize the strict size control.

l  Able to bond more than two kinds of similar or dissimilar materials in one process;

l  Able to realize the solid connection of brittle metals that cannot be connected by the conventional welding method;

l  Because of the high isostatic pressure, the small pores outside the joint district are reduced or eliminated.